Chapter H Crhistmas Party Dec13, 2008                 

Christmas Party, Quality Inn, Galleria Room - 13 December 2008 

 Talk about a great time, great food, and plenty of great friends, we couldn’t have asked for any more. Kary blessed the food for us before all the festivities began. Thirty-Three friends showed up and everyone really enjoyed themselves. I say this because when I closed the party down, not a soul left for quite a while after. We selected Richard and Marilyn Morgan as our chapter couple of the year and I think I finally caught Richard at a loss for words. They were really surprised but it was a no brainer for us because they have gone to almost ever event I have and a few more and really promoted the chapter and GWRRA. We gave Marilyn a dozen roses and gave both of them a check for $100.00 to spend like they want. We also gave each staff wife a rose as well as Donna Kyser for being a member the longest and Betty Weisinger for being the newest member in GWRRA. I outfitted your chapter staff with Santa hats for the men and antlers for the ladies. I think we all looked real cute. The ham, turkey, and drinks were supplied by the chapter. We had a ton of food brought by everybody so no one left hungry. Several of us showed up early to do a little decorating, but soon found out that John Boss had really taken care of us with all the set ups and a beautiful room. I can’t thank you enough John and Betty. We did set up a Christmas tree and some table ornaments. We rearranged them room a little but that was about it. I certainly hope we can have our party here again next year. It was actually warm for a change and the room was small enough so no one could hide. Of course in this group there’s no way you’re going to hide. We played dirty Santa and many of us lost our gifts to others that wanted them more…. several times. I do have a football for sale for anyone who’s interested.

 Not sure what time we broke up but I think it was 9:00 or 9:30. Everybody pitched in and we were loaded up in no time headed back to the house. I think this was the best one yet.


Photos taken by John and Betty Boss